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Robotic Surgery Specialist

North Tarrant Health Providers

Balaguru Sambandam, MD, FACS

General Surgery located in Fort Worth, TX

The more precise your surgeon can be when performing an operation, the less likely you are to experience pain, heavy bleeding, and scarring. Balaguru Sambandam, MD, FACS, of North Tarrant Health Providers in Fort Worth, Texas, uses sophisticated robotic technology to optimize outcomes and minimize the trauma of surgery. To find out how you could benefit from robotic surgery, call North Tarrant Health Providers today and schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.

Robotic Surgery Q & A

What is robotic surgery?

Robotic surgery enables Dr. Sambandam to perform complex procedures with a degree of precision that exceeds the abilities of human hands.

The robotic surgery system consists of a sophisticated robot arm that Dr. Sambandam controls from a computerized workstation. While viewing a highly magnified 3D video feed of the surgery site inside your body, he moves his hands as though performing the operation.

The robotic arm copies these movements in real-time to complete the procedure. Rather than having its own brain, the robot arm is just a highly sophisticated surgical instrument that's under Dr. Sambandam's control at every stage.

What advantages does robotic surgery offer?

Robotic surgery has some significant advantages over the traditional approach of making large incisions to access your internal organs.

The robotic surgery system Dr. Sambandam uses employs advanced, minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques that require just a few small incisions, so there's far less tissue damage. Potential benefits of this approach include:     

  • Significant reduction in postoperative pain
  • Reduced risk of infection 
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter stay in the hospital
  • Much faster recovery
  • Minimal scarring 
  • Better outcomes for the patient

What procedures use robotic surgery technology?

The range of procedures that Dr. Sambandam can perform using robotic surgery expands over time as the technology develops. Currently, robotic surgery can perform operations that include:

  • Inguinal hernia repair
  • Ventral hernia repair
  • Hiatal hernia repair
  • Nissen fundoplication (for gastroesophageal reflux disease surgery)
  • Gastrectomy (stomach surgery)
  • Small bowel surgery
  • Colon surgery

If you need to undergo one of these procedures, Dr. Sambandam will go through your options with you and establish whether you're a suitable candidate for robotic surgery. While most people are, there might be reasons why this approach isn't ideal in your case.

The alternatives are laparoscopic surgery, which is also minimally invasive, or traditional open surgery.   

To find out more about robotic surgery and see whether you could benefit from this technology, call North Tarrant Health Providers or book an appointment online today.